pyweave - A single-file Mozilla Weave server
Mozilla Weave is a Firefox extension that allows you to synchronize (among
other things) your bookmarks, open tabs, and preferences, across different
To do so, it stores the information on a server. The most popular server is
Mozilla's, but you can also use your own.
This project is a simple server implementation, that aims to be simple to set
up, have no requirements besides a CGI-enabled http server and a recent enough
Python, and scale well for a small number of users.
Installation procedure
- Copy pyweave.cgi somewhere inside your web directory where it can run (and
make sure it has execution permissions).
- mkdir <data_dir>; chown www-data:www-data <data_dir>
where data_dir is a directory to use to store the data (must not be
available via web, for obvious security reasons), and www-data is the
username/group your httpd runs as.
- cp; $EDITOR
to set <data_dir>
There is no user administration or web interface of any kind. To add a user
named "asdf", add it to your httpd auth file, and then:
- mkdir <data_dir>/asdf
- chown www-data:www-data <data_dir>/asdf
To configure weave to use this servers, go to the preferences and set the
server to
And that's it.
If you have any suggestions, patches or bug reports, please send them to
Alberto Bertogli (